Elevator Modernization
The current elevator is 45+ years old, and has reached the end of its useful life. Over the past 2 years, the Beaux Arts Lofts Executive Board has performed considerable due-dillegence concerning the replacement options for the elevator. The high-level project tasks are as follows (shaded lines are complete):
1. Commission elevator engineering review
2. Confirm end-of-life
3. Hire project consultant (VDA)
4. Create RFP
5. Identify potential vendors
6. Send RFP
7. Receive/review RFP
8. Define project amendments (timeline compression)
9. Interview vendors
10. Review final bids
11. Select vendor (Elite)
12. Finalize financing preparations
13. Estimate installation schedule (Jan/Feb 2014)
14. Distribute summary info package to residents
15. Host initial information meeting with residents
16. Sign final financing and contract documents
17. Finalize installation schedule (March 3, 2014)
18. Project staging (old fitness room & roofdeck)
19. Elevator taken out of service (April 14, 2014)
20. Elevator replacement
21. Elevator tested/inspected/certified
22. Elevator back in service (May/June, 2014)