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  • beauxartslofts

Project Update 4/20/21

Our roof replacement project has been delayed due to a lag in the city's permit issuance process. For context, we need a number of permits including scaffolding, street closures and water tower demolition for this project to proceed. As of now, we are awaiting one final permit which we expect to receive this week. Once in hand, the revised schedule looks like this:

  • The start date of the scaffolding installation and project start is now set for the first week of May, pending our last permit approval

  • The water tower removal and roof replacement project will take up to 16 weeks.

  • The roof deck amenity project will begin after the roof replacement is complete.

  • The full project will last through the summer. The roof deck will not be accessible until the fall.

  • In the meantime, we are working with contractors and architects to refine the roof deck design and budget

We are disappointed by this delay but we are working with our team to move this along swiftly, and to ensure that any utility disruptions are limited. This is a critical large-scale project with many moving parts. Completing it safely and responsibly is our primary focus. The end results will be worth it—and will sustain us for the long run! We'll continue to update you as more information becomes available in the next few weeks.



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